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News & Events: Blog2

Newsletter - Winter 2019/2020

Working parties We will start these as soon as the weather settles down – initially Bonfires and Tree-trimming.

What else would you like to help with? Email us to let us know!

Plot Signs You may not know this, but your tenancy agreement requires you to maintain clearly visible plot number signage.

In the past, a FLAG working party made sure that every plot has a sign, but several of these are seriously decaying or have gone missing. Please make sure that your signs are visible from adjacent pathways. This should help ensure that deliveries of bags from Ayletts do go to the intended destinations – last time, several were hard to be sure about!

New plotholders near you? when you see new people on site do say Hello and Welcome.

Old plotholders near you? we have a few plots who we can’t contact we think we have wrong addresses for them. They have not joined FLAG and we are not at all sure who looks after these plots. We would like to know who they are so we can contact them for normal site information or in case of emergency.

Car Parking Mud There is a lot of mud and loose footing by the main drive area. PLEASE put your spare stones into this area (and not on the Green Waste Tip).  If you take compost from the Green Waste area or the piles of chippings, shake it through a wire mesh and dump the big bits on the mud!

Autumn Leaves We had a few loads of leaves delivered in the Autumn but the weather in December cut them short. The piles do make good mulch so use them while they are there. Once the pile has gone, the older leaves from the back are well rotted (careful - they may include bindweed roots).

Eco area is alongside fence in town gate entrance. Nigel Gale is trying to set up a Nature Space there – he has put signs along the fence there, please have a look at the area to see what you can see there – he is keen to let the space develop naturally , no grass cutting etc– to see how it can re-wild by itself. Don’t tread  on the area, especially while it gets established!

Tiny trees If your plot has grown some baby tree shoots, don’t just destroy them but donate them to the Victoria Playing Field Planting effort. Ask Nigel Gale about it. He says you can put them on his plot (5W) and he will take them to VPF.

Kings Seed Catalogues are still available for collection in the Clubhouse. Make sure you take a green order form as well as the book. Your FLAG subscription pays for your membership of the Kings Seeds Scheme (via membership of the National Allotments Society) so get your order in soon and benefit from the discounts available on all seed and sundries prices. All Flag members are automatically association members of NAS which means you can benefit from cheaper seeds via Kings.

When you have an adjacent neglected plot which has been left for too long, what can you do? Firstly TELL ANNE to make sure FLAG knows about the problem. Then we will try to contact the plot tenant and ask if there is anything that can be done to help them, or if they are ready to give up the plot. If that fails, Anne has produced a model letter to send to the appropriate Councillor (and Phil Bruce-Green). It will quote from Anne’s records of past NonCultivation and Notice To Quit Orders to show there is a long-standing problem with the plot and ask for Council action. Please talk to Anne about this to make sure we do it right.


We’ve taken delivery of several piles of leaves. Please put any stones removed from your plot onto the main path/driveway, it gets very slippery in Winter! Remember to throw all green waste to the back of the pile as rubbish is spilling back onto the pathway again. Better still, compost your waste at one end of your plot.

Please contact F.L.A.G. if you have any news items you would like to post on this site.

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