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FLAG Spring 2023 Newsletter

Bob Grover

Site Security Please Lock the Gates - every time In and Out. The hasp must be swung across and latched onto the staple before the padlock is closed. We have had several intruders; also two vandal visits both caused damage in the clubhouse. If they can’t get in, they can’t do bad stuff!


Incorrectly Locked

Correctly Locked


Bonfire – the last one of the Winter. We plan to burn the planks (by the compost bay) on Tuesday 25th April (or if that is too windy etc, then on Saturday 29th April). Some extra hands would be very helpful to build the pile on the morning around 11 am for a burn at 12. Please contact Bob if you are able to help.

We also plan to clear the remainder of the smaller twiggy stuff in the end bay to the wood pile round the back of that bay to leave it to break down slowly while acting as a giant bug hotel / wild life sanctuary. Ayletts Delivery Over 200 bags were delivered to FLAG members. Thanks to Ann [plot 15W] for organising it all.


Plot Inspections and Downsizing [Site Spring Inspection is happening soon.] The Council make inspections and issue Non-Cultivation Notices if plots aren’t sufficiently used. If not then sorted out, there will be a Notice to Quit the plot. This is to help ensure the plots are used, and that as many people as possible have a chance to use one. There is a standing offer to help plot holders who feel they can’t get on top of their plots. Including downsizing to quarter plots, if that would help you. Do contact Nigel. our site secretary, if interested. Free Compost Two ready-to-use heaps are still available from the well-matured compost bays at both ends of the site. You only need to put it through a riddle (or old supermarket basket) to get the stones, etc out and you have free organic compost for mulching and general soil fertility improvement. FLAG membership – last reminder If you haven’t (re)joined for this year, you won’t get any more FLAG information. Talk to Richard, our membership secretary, for more info or renew via our FLAG website.

Improving the Site – Nature Management This covers all things Green, generally. More information soon – we are joining in the Open Garden / Sustainability week in mid June, we will be asking for assistance to marshal visitors round a few ‘example plots’.

We are putting in a new pond at the Town end; we are trying to stop burning stuff; instead we have more composting and more bug hotels and more butterfly patches; we are trying to go Organic, no chemicals. Your Old chemical sprays are probably illegal now (or they may be soon) so please do not use them! Old Expired bug-hostile chemicals can be handed in at the council tip – you have to give them to a staff member for disposal. Remember – you do this because you ENJOY IT! Good Gardening - from your Committee.

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