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Join Us

If you have a plot on the Folly Lane site then please join/rejoin FLAG.

Membership costs only £10 a year. Your subscription runs from January to December.

If you are joining as a new plot-holder from June onwards then your sub will run for 18 months.

Your F.L.A.G. membership includes:​

  • Personal liability insurance

  • Membership of the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners, allowing you to buy seeds at a reduced rate

  • Representation of all Folly Lane plot holders when liaising with St Albans Council

  • Manure, woodchip and other compostable materials when available

  • Tool loans - use of F.L.A.G. machinery (mowers, strimmers etc- click here for more details)

Join in 2 easy steps:

  1. Complete the membership form on the right

  2. Make a payment online by BACS transfer: 
    FLAG account number 65283684

    Sort Code: 08-92-99
    with your surname and plot number as the reference e.g. CLOUTMAN32

Membership Form

Please complete all the required fields

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