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News & Events: Blog2
Bob Grover

FLAG Newsletter Winter 2023

Compost Update – Garage End – REMEMBER IT’S FREE.

Several people have said they had physical difficulty in getting compost from the large pile up to their allotment. To help them, an experimental Work Party has riddled some compost into liftable plastic bags. A dozen or so filled bags have been moved to the steel shed and a half dozen left by the compost pile. Please barrow no more than two of these bags to your allotment and put the used bags back in the black bin by the steel shed for reuse. IF YOU USE SOME OF THESE BAGS PLEASE LET US KNOW IF THEY ARE HELPFUL and if we should do some more, If you can do your own riddling, please do it; these made-up bags are to help our less able-bodied members to use the FREE compost we have collected. If anyone has spare, empty compost sacks then these too can be left in the black bin.

Bonfires – we intend to have one more bonfire soon to clear out the Burnables pile. Our ambition is to reduce our bonfires as far as possible by using the materials in other ways by composting most of it, making twig heaps for insects etc round the boundaries of the site. The FLAG website has much more on this. We want to only burn diseased material like currants, raspberries, asparagus etc – where there is no other disposal way on site. It is likely that the Council will change the Rules to further restrict burning and possibly ban it eventually. Please DON’T bring bags of twigs and stuff from your garden for our burnable pile! Another Compost Workshop? If you missed our recent workshops, we can run another on a Sunday afternoon. IF YOU ASK FOR IT. Let us know!

The WoodChip heap is nearly gone, we will activate links with Tree Surgeons to get top ups.

Kings Seed Catalogue - there are still about 20 paper copies available for you to take in the clubhouse. Kings are asking us to request less copies from next year as they have now launched an on-line version of the catalogue.

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