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FLAG Newsletter – Autumn 2022

KINGS SEEDS CATALOGUES 2023 are available for all FLAG members and can be found in our club house (plot 30) situated at the back of the site next to the BBQ and children's play area. Don't forget to take a green order form when you collect your catalogue. When you complete your order form you will need to write 'FLAG St Albans' as the Association Name.

SOCIAL EVENT - HOW TO GROW BETTER VEGETABLES FOR FREE! Would you like to know a bit more about composting? On Saturday 24th September at 10 am and 2pm we are offering informal chats by the communal piles on a range of techniques.

Please reply to FLAG if you are interested, so we know this might be useful. We will provide tea and biscuits to make it more sociable, since we haven’t had a BBQ.

FREE GREEN MANURES. Now the harvesting is well under way, you can start preparing for Winter by covering your empty soil to stop the rain washing goodness away. Our website has some options, cardboard/mulch etc.

There are pots of white mustard AND Rye AND Field Beans in the clubhouse for you to use as Green Manures over winter. Spread seeds sparingly after harvesting, rake in and it will grow through the autumn and die off when it is frosted. You don’t need to pull it up, it will just die down by itself and the worms will do the rest.

SPARE SEEDS Bring your spare seeds to the clubhouse so other people can use them. The Wilko sale has provided a bunch of packets as a start.

COMPOST/MULCH/WOODCHIP The communal piles at the garage end have plenty of material, with ‘USE ME FIRST’ signs. Do look at the FLAG website for advice and info, we have done a lot of work on it recently.

LOGS for anyone to take for their wood burner or open fire are available by the apple and plum trees next to the main track at the end of plot 56. Some dead plum, some leylandii (can be a bit spitty in the fire). Mostly substantial bits but also some suitable for kindling

Bonfire will be October as soon as allowed. Meanwhile keep putting burnable material – brambles, raspberry canes etc on the correct pile.

SITE RUBBISH CLEARANCE TO THE DUMP. Can anyone help by taking a bag or two to the dump? If we have assistance we will put out some builders bags for a few days for non-compostable and non-burnable stuff ONLY eg rotten carpets, wires… from around the site. We won’t take large scale material but the site, especially by the steel shed, does need some clearing up.

Food Bank – Finally, do please keep donating your surpluses every Tuesday! They are so grateful for fresh stuff to add to their usual groceries. They love courgettes!!


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