It was very enjoyable to meet families and friends as well as lots of plotholders in the New Improved BBQ area.
Congratulations and thanks to Brian and Wendy for organising all the food and cooking facilities and Jan and Tim for cooking it.
Lots of other people helped beforehand and on the day to set up and to clear up. Things go much better when they are shared.
The new cleared site was larger and more comfortable without all the overhanging buddleia and brambles and elder bushes, a tribute to everyone who has lent a hand (and cutters) to clear the space and remove the scaffolding frame. Could we use it more – would anyone like to organise something?
BBQ next year – Brian and Wendy have done their bit, next year it will be someone else’s opportunity. Please talk to them and to the committee if you have ideas about how you would like to do it your way and see how we can help.
Bob Grover