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Minutes from the 2021 AGM



Your contract is with the council and any problems like ‘Non Cultivation’ or ‘Quit’ Notices, and Rent bills, come entirely from them – your FLAG committee is not responsible for them: DO contact Phil Bruce-Green at the council offices. Please don’t shout at any of us about such issues – we may be able to advise but they decide!


We need help managing the website. Would anyone be willing to take on this role? FLAG also has an Instagram account that links into the website. Could you spare a little time to photograph around the site and post your images?


We have over 100 on our waiting list. IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT GIVING UP (HALF OR ALL OF) YOUR PLOT, THIS A GOOD TIME TO DO IT. Please talk to Ann as well as Phil Bruce-Green.


FLAG AGM for 2021 held by zoom on 19th January 2022 at 8pm.

Present – Bob Grover (chair), Anne Macdonald (site steward), Richard Cloutman (treasurer and membership), Nigel Gale, Brian Songhurst, Tim and Liz Leicester, Peter Crick, Malcolm Hull.

Apologies from Helen Wyler, Barry Cropper, Guy Marshall, Liz Rolfe, Maurice Lyon.

Chair report (Bob) FLAG had a good, year. The site is in pretty good shape, most plots are well looked after and growing well. We have had several successful collective efforts – re-roofing the clubhouse in particular. We also burned lots of rubbish wood in official bonfires; took delivery of several lorry loads of Ayletts’ compost bags; sent surplus to the food bank for 13 weeks; ran a BBQ and more. Whenever we needed a working party to get an improvement done, the support effort turned up and the work got done. Thanks to everybody who contributed for the common good.

Site Steward (Ann) liaison with Phil Bruce-Green has improved, he has done at least 4 site inspections and enforced a small number of Quit notices after failing to get plotholders to imp=rove. We have over 100 on our waiting list SO IF YOU ARE LOOKING TO GIVE UP HALF YOUR PLOT, THIS A GOOD TIME TO DO IT. Please talk to Ann as well as Phil Bruce-Green.

Membership and Treasurer (Richard). We have 69 FLAG members for 2021 cultivating 78 plots. The council’s website states there are 82 plots but the actual number may be closer to 90. Membership has grown gradually over recent years with 67 members in 2019 and 69 for 2020. A small number of plot holders are not members. The emailer application ‘Mailchimp’ has been used extensively for communicating with members. The stats indicate that most emails are read by 65 - 70% of those that receive them.

At the start of the year we had £328 in cash and our bank account, currently we have £552. There were three major items of expenditure; site insurance, NAS subscriptions and repairs made to the club house roof. The FLAG accounts were discussed and agreed.

Accounts: Thanks to Richard for managing the finances and for presenting the accounts, and Nigel for checking them

Officers The current officers are happy to stay on and were elected unanimously. We agreed that other areas would be looked after as needed by volunteers at the time. If anyone wants support or has a good idea, the committee will try to assist.


BBQ Brian and Wendy have organised this for the last three years and are standing down. We need a project manager to take charge so we can have another one this Summer. Any offers?

Bonfires. We will move and burn the wood pile in March. Do put your pruned bushes and canes etc there to dry out.

Meanwhile if you do your own burning, please keep it inside your plot areaand not on the paths nearby. Remember that your tenancy agreement restricts it on Tuesdays and Saturdays after noon.

Green Waste bays. These are very successful. We produced super FREE compost last Autumn and there will be more this year.

Leylandii adjacent to plots 52 to 58. Tim is working hard to try to get these householders to work together to pay for substantial professional shortening so we can grow things without so much overshadowing. We will make plans of the shadowing to show how badly we are affected. We are digging a trench along our plot edges to stop their roots taking water from our plots.

Picnic/BBQ area. We want to improve this are with growing in front of the new bare wall. Any offers of buddleia cuttings or other nectar-rich bushes we can plant there?

Rewilding. Nigel described his current activities with the Council Wilding Officer in the last newsletter. He is happy to discuss how you can join in to make your plot more bug-friendly.

Pruning Training. We would like to offer pruning advice to anyone who is a bit nervous about chopping bits off their trees or bushes. Is anyone an experienced pruner who could share with others?

Meeting ended 9pm.


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